Archives for: May 9th, 2024
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 9, 2024
Motor vehicle accidents are plenty scary and difficult to deal with on their own. Physical injury, property damage or loss, and having to go through the process of filing a claim are all financially and mentally taxing. The last thing you want to think about is your car insurance, and whether or not it […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on January 16, 2023
If you are a driver in the state of Kentucky, you likely know by now that you either have or chose to opt out of PIP insurance coverage. What is this facet of your insurance bill? Why is it there? What does it do? Kentucky drivers have PIP insurance because Kentucky operates under what […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 23, 2022
If your PIP claim was denied for any of the valid reasons listed in the previous part of this two-blog series, unfortunately, insurance companies reserve the rights to deny the claim, if they have proof. But, like any other company out there, saving money isn’t always to the benefit of everyone, and your PIP […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 14, 2022
What is PIP Coverage? PIP claims and coverage, or Personal Injury Protection, is a service – or rather, a right – that is offered to drivers under the Motor Vehicle Reparations Act, KRS 304.39, also known as the No-Fault Law, that came to be in 1975. Insurers are required to include some form of PIP […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on June 30, 2022
Over 91,000 children under the age of 12 were injured in motor vehicle crashes in 2019. As a parent or guardian, your child’s safety is a top priority. That’s why it’s important to stay informed on strategies to ensure the safety of your child in the car. When used correctly, car seats and booster seats […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on June 20, 2022
No one wants to be in a car wreck. In 2020, these dangerous and costly collisions claimed 780 lives in Kentucky alone. Even in the best-case scenario, where no one is injured, a wreck can cause significant property damage and leave you with higher insurance rates. Luckily, a skilled and knowledgeable driver can often avoid […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 23, 2022
Sure, we all know them when we see them, but what exactly classifies a truck as “large?” In the United States, truck sizes are determined by gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), which measures the maximum loaded-weight of the truck. Using GVWR, there are 8 classes of truck, ranging from Class 1: Light Duty (0-6,000 pounds), […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 20, 2021
Every 50 minutes, someone in the United States is killed in an accident involving a drunk driver. In 2016, this added up to 10,497 deaths, representing 28% of total U.S. traffic-related deaths. Accordingly, victims of drunk-driving accidents deserve justice, which may include compensation for any physical and/or emotional injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and other […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 23, 2021
According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle drivers are twice as likely to get into an accident on the American roadways than someone driving a car. Furthering that statistic, the NHTSA also reports that death as a result of a motorcycle accident is 28 times more likely than death by any […]
Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 16, 2021
The average long-haul truck driver spends 60 hours per week on the road, faring fatigue, bad weather, traffic, and tight deadlines. Unfortunately, this challenging lifestyle often results in severe accidents due to the size and weight of trucks. These accidents have devastating physical and financial effects. They can completely upend the lives of surviving accident […]