Unfair Credit Reporting Archives - Personal Injury Lawyer | Cooper and Friedman

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Category: Unfair Credit Reporting

Lawyers in Louisville, KY: Cooper and Friedman, PLLC

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on February 26, 2024
personal injury lawyer Louisville KY

  Choosing a personal lawyer that is the right fit for you and your needs can be tricky. After all, it feels like there are so many out there to choose from! Lawyers in Louisville, KY seem to be a dime-a-dozen, but not every law firm is the same. This makes research very important when […]

Be Aware of Debt Collection Scams During the Holidays

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on December 19, 2023
How to combat holiday debt collection scams.

  Around the holidays, consumers see a rise in many things: the number of gifts they need to buy, the dishes to make, the miles they need to travel, the amount of family they get to see, the price of products, the time they have off from work or school. Some of these are good, […]

How to Choose a Good Lawyer for Your Case

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 17, 2023
5 Considerations for finding a good lawyer from Cooper and Friedman Law Office in Louisville, KY

  Finding yourself in a situation that requires legal help is a stressful thing to have have to experience, whether you be the plaintiff or the defendant, and trying to find a respectable, trustworthy lawyer that you work well with on a time frame only adds to that stress. This is especially true when your […]

Why Was I Denied Representation?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on August 28, 2023
Cooper and Friedman take on a wide variety of cases, so contact us today, even if your case was denied by another lawyer.

  When something bad happens and there’s a need for help in navigating through the legal sphere to get fair compensation and a successful resolution, contacting a lawyer is the first line of defense. Thoroughly researched and properly contacted, you might meet the perfect lawyer for your case who accepts you right away, but that’s […]

CRAs, the FCRA, and the CFPB: Credit Acronyms and What They Mean

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on July 26, 2023
Cooper and Friedman are unfair credit reporting lawyers with over 50 years of combined experience protecting Kentucky residents out of Louisville, KY. Learn more about governmental agencies and acts' acronyms!

  Different government programs and official agencies are a great way for an entity as small as the federal government to tackle the problems of every American as best they can – a separation of specialties that makes it easier for Americans to file their grievances with someone who will be able to help. But […]

What is a Tax Lien and Can It Affect My Credit Score?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 17, 2023
Can Tax Liens Make my Credit Score worse? Credit Reporting Lawyers in Louisville, KY

As Tax Day passes and we trek further into the month, there looms in the background an omnipresent uncertainty, because tax season isn’t quite over yet. There’s still the concern that you’ll end up owing more with a late fee if you miscalculated, or perhaps that your return might not be as much as you […]

Tips for a Manageable Credit Card Balance and a Healthy Credit Score

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on February 27, 2023
Credit Card Debt Collection lawyers Louisville, KY

  We hear a lot of times young adults wishing they would have been made to take a personal finance class in high school, because when it comes to debit, credit, and debt, things aren’t always as straightforward as they seem. According to Scott Horsley, who is NPR’s Chief Economics Correspondent, in his article, “Americans […]

What Are My Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act in Kentucky?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 7, 2022
What is the FCRA and how does it affect me? Cooper and Friedman Unfair Credit Reporting lawyers

  When the word ‘credit’ is mentioned, do your ears perk up or do you find yourself running for the hills? There are so many perceptions and experiences all across the board when it comes to credit and the like that it wouldn’t be surprising if you said yes to either option, or if you […]

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