personal injury attorney Archives - Personal Injury Lawyer | Cooper and Friedman

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Millions of dollars collected for seriously
injured people like you

Archives for: September 10th, 2024

What is Lane Splitting and is it Legal in Kentucky?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on September 10, 2024
Lane splitting laws in Kentucky

  In Kentucky, and many other states, lane splitting for motorcycles is a unique issue. Many states do not explicitly prohibit it, nor do they explicitly allow it, and the legality of the maneuver is left up to law enforcement’s discretion. As both motorcycle accident lawyers and police misconduct attorneys, Cooper and Friedman are here […]

Types of Torts: Negligence vs Strict Liability vs Intentional Tort

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on March 21, 2024
Types of tort, Cooper and Friedman Personal Injury Lawyers in Louisville KY

  When it comes to personal injury cases, there are many elements that clients and attorneys must consider for a successful lawsuit. What, when, who, and the defendant’s intent are all factors that play a part in success. These factors will decide which of the three different types of torts your case falls under: Strict […]

Personal Injury, Premise Liability, and Slip and Fall: What’s the Difference?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on January 10, 2024
The connection between Personal Injury, Premise Liability, and Slip and Fall Law

  Legal terms that are used to describe cases can be rather confusing and disorienting when two or more terms are used interchangeably. Premise liability and slip-and-fall cases are oftentimes used in this way. However, although they are connected, they are not the same! Instead, these terms – along with ‘personal injury’ – are more […]

How to Choose a Good Lawyer for Your Case

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 17, 2023
5 Considerations for finding a good lawyer from Cooper and Friedman Law Office in Louisville, KY

  Finding yourself in a situation that requires legal help is a stressful thing to have have to experience, whether you be the plaintiff or the defendant, and trying to find a respectable, trustworthy lawyer that you work well with on a time frame only adds to that stress. This is especially true when your […]

Expanding Definitions: Comparative Negligence and the Open and Obvious Doctrine

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on September 26, 2023
Cooper and Friedman practice comparative negligence law in Louisville, KY.

  In a previous blog, “Slip and Fall Terminology and What You Should Know About Your Case,” we discussed six factors and legal terms that need to be considered when deciding whether or not to take your case to court. Two of those factors – comparative negligence and the open and obvious doctrine – are […]

Suing for School Bus Related Accidents

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on August 3, 2023
Cooper and Friedman have been providing quality personal injury and motor vehicle collision legal services since 1991, including school bus crashes.

  As we approach the days when we send our children back to school and school buses are once again on the road to shuttle dozens of children to and from their homes every day, the risk of a school bus-related accident increases exponentially. The school districts that are responsible for the buses and their […]

Driver’s Ed Car Crashes: Who’s at Fault?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on June 5, 2023
Who is at fault when a student driver drving a driver's ed car crashes? Cooper and Friedman have the answers.

  When you start learning something new, no one expects you to be perfect at it at first – this goes for driving, too. We’ve all been in the ‘student driver’ seat in a Driver’s Ed car, learning the rules of the road and proper driving techniques. But summer is a very popular time for […]

Personal Injuries Involving Children Part 2: The Child as the Cause

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 29, 2023
When a Child Causes Personal Injury

In ‘Part 1′ of Personal Injuries Involving Children, we explored the two options that children who are the victims of personal injury have when it comes to bringing their case to court and obtaining proper compensation for their injury. But there is a flipside: what if a child causes a serious personal injury? You can’t […]

Personal Injuries Involving Children Part 1: The Child as the Victim

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 9, 2023
How can my child be compensated for a personal injury when they're too young?

  When it comes to personal injury cases, it might be easy to see when legal action would benefit the victim or if it would be worth it at all – it’s an individual’s decision. But what happens when that individual is a child? Does the legal procedure when it comes to personal injuries involving […]