comparative negligence Archives - Personal Injury Lawyer | Cooper and Friedman

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Archives for: September 26th, 2023

Expanding Definitions: Comparative Negligence and the Open and Obvious Doctrine

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on September 26, 2023
Cooper and Friedman practice comparative negligence law in Louisville, KY.

  In a previous blog, “Slip and Fall Terminology and What You Should Know About Your Case,” we discussed six factors and legal terms that need to be considered when deciding whether or not to take your case to court. Two of those factors – comparative negligence and the open and obvious doctrine – are […]

Help! If I’m Partially At-Fault, Can I Still Sue in Kentucky?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on September 30, 2021
Comparative Negligence Laws in Louisville, Kentucky Determine Fault in Accident

Some accidents aren’t completely black-and-white. If you’re a pedestrian, illegally jaywalking across the street, and are hit by a driver who’s texting, who’s to blame? Maybe you both are! In legal terms, this is called comparative negligence. If you’re ever involved in an accident and are partially at fault, you may wonder if you can […]