Seat Belt Safety, Car Accident Lawyers, KY

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Seat Belts Save Lives – Why You Should Buckle Up

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on July 29, 2015

car accident lawyers encourage seat belt safety

According the Center for Disease Control (CDC), wearing a seat belt is the most effective way to save lives and reduce crash injuries for adults. Even though motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 year to 54 years of age, many people fail to wear the one device known to help reduce these fatalities and injuries. In 2012, more than 2.2 million adult drivers and passengers were treated for injuries sustained in motor vehicle crashes. This number could be significantly lower, if drivers consistently wear their seat belts during every trip.

Perhaps not surprisingly, vehicle-related injuries and fatalities have become a major public health problem. In 2012, the CDC found that these crash injuries sustained because of failure to wear a seatbelt cost the U.S. $50 billion because of lifetime medical expenses and work loss. Unfortunately, this epidemic seems to only be continuing. Because young adults ages 18 to 24 have the highest crash-injury rate among all of adults, this has become the main cause of death for this age group.

Seat Belt Safety – 5 Reasons to Buckle Up

When it comes to driving or riding in a car, the fact is that wearing a seatbelt significantly reduces your risk of severe injury. This is why the U.S. government is emphasizing the live-saving benefits of seat belt safety in national public awareness campaigns. Laws have been enacted and physicians have been trying to influence drivers and passengers for years now to buckle up, but there are is still progress to be made on this front. If you are ever tempted to drive or ride in a car without wearing a seat belt, take a look at these facts below and you might just change your mind.

  1. In 2012, approximately 55 percent of all teenagers that died in car crashes were not wearing their seat belt at the time of the crash.
  2. Driving or riding with airbags alone only provides 42 percent of effective protection in the case of a crash or accident.
  3. Most car accidents occur during the day, so always practice safe driving habits and follow traffic laws on the way to and from work.
  4. Three out of 4 car crashes occur within 25 miles of your home, so the excuse that you’re not driving very far does not actually apply.
  5. States with primary laws for seat belt use had higher percentage of seat belt use for drivers and passengers. A primary state law means that drivers and passengers could be pulled over for not wearing a seat belt. On July 12, 2006, the state of Kentucky’s seat belt law went into effect. As part of House Bill 117, law enforcement officers in Kentucky can stop a vehicle for the sole purpose of a seat belt violation.

These statistics and laws about the benefits of wearing a seat belt are meant to encourage drivers and passengers to practice safety and obey the law. Don’t become another car accident injury or fatality because you decided not to wear your seat belt. Wearing a seat belt and practicing proper driving habits will help you reduce your chances of ending up as a statistic.

And in the unfortunate event that you are in some type of car accident, the experienced lawyers at Cooper & Friedman Attorneys at Law are ready to help. As experienced car accident lawyers, we’ll make sure you get the representation you need and deserve for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any other expenses that are a result of your car accident. Call 502-459-7555 now for more information or contact us via email for a free consultation.

Posted Under: Car Accidents