Common Summertime Injuries - Personal Injury Lawyer | Cooper and Friedman

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Common Summertime Injuries

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on May 11, 2021

As temperatures rise, it seems summertime is just around the corner. With the warmer
weather comes the fun of pool parties, outdoor sports, and cookouts, but also an
increased risk of injury. This rise may seem expected, with schools letting out and more
people spending time outside, but most of these injuries are actually preventable. Here
are five of the most common summertime injuries, as well as what you can do to try
to avoid them.

An Overview of 5 Common Summertime Injuries

1. Water-related injuries

Pools, lakes, and oceans provide summertime respite for people of all ages, whether
through swimming, boating, or just hanging out. Unfortunately, with these activities
comes increased risk of injury and death. They can be the site for many common summertime injuries. Drowning spikes in summertime, especially among young children in pools. Boating mishaps increase as well, with over 4,064
accidents reported by the Coast Guard in 2014. Monitoring young children, staying with
a buddy, wearing a life-jacket when applicable, and even being trained in CPR can
reduce the risk of water-related injuries.

2. Sunburns

In 2013, over 33,826 people visited the hospital due to severe sunburns. Furthermore,
over 37% of adults and 56% of children get sunburned every year. The risk increases in
southern states, where the sun is most intense. Sunburns can cause suffering, illness,
and even skin cancer. In short, everyone should take them seriously.
Preventing sunburns begins with limiting harmful UV exposure through wearing
protective clothing, applying sunscreen over SPF 30 every hour, and also remaining indoors
during peak hours.

3. Car Accidents

Although there’s a constant risk when driving in cars, the danger of car accidents
typically increases in summer months as more people hit the road for vacations, hikes,
and road-trips. And it’s not just other people—there’s increased roadside construction,
potholes, and heat-induced car problems during summer as well. A tire blowout or
engine failure may happen to you, no matter how good of a driver you are. Practicing
safe driving principles is more important than ever in the summertime.

4. Falls and Sports Injuries

Summertime falls are surprisingly common. As kids head to pools, parks, and
playgrounds on bikes, skateboards, and scooters, the risk of fall-related injuries
drastically increases. Additionally, trampolines, a popular summer activity, are continually causing
more injuries. With children, some small accidents can’t be avoided, but most can be
prevented. Always supervise young children, especially at pools and hazardous
environments, and make sure they’re wearing the right shoes for outdoor play, such as
sneakers instead of flip-flops. If you’re going outside yourself, make sure to wear proper
shoes as well. Most documented falls occur simply while walking or hiking.

5. Heat-related Illness

Despite the fact that hundreds of people die in the United States each year due to
extreme temperatures, many people still remain unaware of the risks of heat-related
illnesses. In high or extremely humid temperatures, the body typically cools itself down
by sweating. But if you’re dehydrated, have certain underlying conditions, or simply
exposed for prolonged periods of time, sweat isn’t enough. In these instances, you can
experience life-threatening conditions such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or heat

Anyone can experience heat-related illness, but the risk increases if you are elderly,
very young, obese, or have a chronic disease. Luckily, the best form of prevention is through
routine hydration. Whether you’re an outdoor athlete, a construction worker, or have a
kid at summer camp, you should be consuming water every 15-20 minutes. Staying
indoors during the hottest parts of the day, wearing weather-appropriate clothing, and
regularly applying sunscreen can also prevent heat-related illness. If you begin to
experience any symptoms, such as feeling nauseous, dizzy, having a headache, or
tiredness, don’t push it! Take a break or seek medical attention.

If you or someone you love is ever the victim of an accident in the State of Kentucky or
in Southern Indiana and are in need of experienced legal representation, the team at
Cooper and Friedman PLLC is here for you. Don’t settle for lawyers who use gimmicks,
silly television ads and cartoons to try to win you over or to get you to let them handle
your case. Insurance companies don’t pay the maximum on cases unless they know the
lawyer for the injured person is serious and knowledgeable about what they are doing.
For more information or to schedule a free consultation with an accident attorney, call
502-459-7555 today.

Posted Under: Personal Injury