Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer? Here are 5 Ways to Choose One!

Your Personal Injury Lawyers

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injured people like you

5 Ways to Pick the Best Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Case

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on November 3, 2017

personal injury lawyerWhen the time comes that you are in need of a personal injury lawyer, the situation you find yourself in is most likely a stressful one. Picking the best personal injury lawyer for your case should not be an added stressor.

At Cooper & Friedman Law Office in Louisville, KY we have over 20 combined years of experience representing people in personal injury cases. We strive to be the best personal injury lawyers for all of our clients. Part of giving the best representation that we can is making the process of choosing a personal injury lawyer easy for each and every one of our clients. Below, we’ve outlined 5 ways to pick the best personal injury lawyer for your case. Our hope is that you can use these tips and that they will make choosing a personal injury lawyer a stress-free process that has positive results.

5 Tips to Help You Pick the Best Personal Injury Lawyer for Your Case

1. Understand The Reason that You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

The biggest difference between a personal injury lawyer and other attorneys is that personal injury lawyers specialize in one area of law. Their experience and their expertise focus on cases in which a person was injured because of someone else’s negligence. Personal injury lawyers neede a lot of skills including experience in courtrooms, negotiation skills, and a deep knowledge of understanding laws around negligence.

2. Ask Friends and Family for References

While you research the reasons that you need a personal injury lawyer, it is helpful to take notes. After you’ve got notes on what the best qualities are that make a good personal injury lawyer, it is time to compare those notes with friends and family. If you have friends or family who have found themselves in situations where they’ve needed a personal injury lawyer, they may have some reliable references. However, it is important to remember that all personal injury cases are different. Use the references as a jumping off point to locate lawyers online, but do not simply hire based on a referral.

3. Locate Lawyers Online Using Specific Searches

The famous search engine Google is going to be a powerful tool for you while you search for a personal injury lawyer. Simple Google searches will pull up lawyers within your area who could help your case; however, the more specific your searches can be the better your chances of finding the perfect personal injury lawyer. When searching on Google, try to use as many specific keywords as you can. For example, if you were injured in a dog attack, a good Google search would be “personal injury lawyer with dog bite experience in [city] [state]”. The more specific your Google search terms are then the more specific you can expect your results to be. This will increase your chances of finding the right personal injury lawyer to represent you.

4. Meet and Interview Your Top Personal Injury Lawyer Choices

Before you hire the personal injury lawyer who is going to take on your case, it is important to meet and interview your top choices. Some of the best practices to use as you prepare to meet your candidates include making a list of questions to ask your candidates.. Some questions that are important to ask include:

a. What areas do you specialize in?
b. How many attorneys will be working on my case?
c. How many similar cases have you taken to trial?
d. What do you estimate will be the time spent on my case?
e. What kind of confidence do you have in my case?

It is also important to know the details of your case and collect all of the documentation you have prior to the first meeting with your attorney candidates. Collect all of your bills, medical documents, citations, professional opinions, witness statements, and police reports. This will help your lawyer candidates better understand your case.

5. Discuss Experience, Credentials, and Fees

Once you’ve gotten all of the questions you prepared answered and your case details have been presented to your client, there are some final details to discuss. Find out what kind of experience your personal injury lawyer has and their case history. Does your lawyer have an impressive list of credentials? And it is also very important to understand how your personal injury lawyer’s fees work. It is most likely that your attorney will work on a contingency fee basis, but what is that fee?

Once you and your lawyer have discussed all of the topics mentioned above with your personal injury lawyer, and have completed the other tips listed above, it should be easier to choose your personal injury lawyer.

Legal cases, especially personal injury cases, are often stressful to deal with. However, at Cooper & Friedman Law Office, we have years of experience working with personal injury cases and we will work with you to make the process as stress-free as possible. If you or someone you love needs a personal injury lawyer in Kentucky or Southern Indiana contact us today for a free consultation. You can reach the Cooper & Friedman Law Office by calling 502-459-7555 or contacting us on our website by clicking here.

Posted Under: Personal Injury