Pedestrian Accident Facts Every Parent Should Know

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Louisville Accident Attorney Explains Pedestrian Accidents Every Parent Should Know

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on June 14, 2018

bicycle safetyIt’s every parent’s goal to keep their children safe. However, at some point during the day, everyone is a pedestrian and at risk for being involved in a traffic accident. According to a report conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association, approximately 5,984 pedestrians were killed in 2017. This represents a trending increase that is raising widespread concern. What’s more, these types of accidents happen more often than we think and can result in serious injury or death.

5 Pedestrian Accident Facts Every Parent Should Know

1. If a person is not in a vehicle, they are considered a pedestrian.

2. Fatalities of young pedestrians usually occur after school hours.

3. The majority of young pedestrian fatalities are boys.

4. Teens have a fatality rate twice that of children and account for half of all young pedestrian deaths.

5. “School buses are the safest way for children to travel to and from school. However, nearly two-thirds of school-age pedestrians fatally injured in school transportation-related crashes were struck by school buses or other vehicles when getting on or off a school bus.”

Young pedestrians especially are cause for concern.

Young pedestrians are largely driven by impulse and usually unaware of the risks or dangers nearby. For example, it is common for kids to dart out unexpectedly and go unseen on their way to or from school, a friend’s house, or even in the driveway. As a parent, it is important to provide kids with adequate guidance and supervision so they can safely navigate roads or developed areas on foot.

Having a green light or crosswalk for instance, doesn’t mean a pedestrian shouldn’t look both ways before crossing. And just because a pedestrian can see a driver doesn’t mean they see the pedestrian. A driver may be too distracted to stop for pedestrians or simply be going too fast to stop in time. Therefore, it is crucial to emphasize complete focus in children in order to keep them safe while they’re walking, riding a bike, or driving a car.

The effects of injuries sustained by any pedestrian during an accident can be life changing. Those who suffer as a result of another party’s negligence may be entitled to financial compensation. If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, contact an experienced injury lawyer today like the attorneys at Cooper and Friedman PLLC.

At Cooper & Friedman Law Office, we have years of experience working with personal injury and wrongful death cases. If you or someone you love needs a lawyer in Kentucky or Southern Indiana contact us today for a free case consultation. You can also call us at 502-459-7555!

Posted Under: Bike Accidents, Car Accidents, Child Injury Lawyer, Cooper and Friedman Law Office Events, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents