fraud Archives - Personal Injury Lawyer | Cooper and Friedman

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Archives for: April 30th, 2022

Social Media Scams and Fraud: How Do I Avoid Them?

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on April 30, 2022
Facebook and Instagram Scams

  The internet is rife with scams. People around the world lose millions of dollars each year to fraudulent entities who use ever-changing tactics to surprise, confuse, and exploit unsuspecting victims. While it’s easy to assume that elderly people are the most likely sufferers of scams, the truth is that anyone can be taken off-guard, […]

How To Protect Yourself From Internet & Phone Call Scams

Written by Cooper & Friedman PLLC on December 10, 2019

We live in an age of information technology. People have constant access to the internet and can easily find any information they need. Despite this, many fall for internet and phone call scams. These scams can cost you thousands of dollars and cause a great deal of stress. Here’s a look at some of the […]